This blog has moved

January 8, 2015 in Uncategorized

This blog has moved to CriticalMass.

Pavilion 2014: New Students; New Semester

October 12, 2014 in Uncategorized

Jumping right into the semester, we have 12 new students working on the Stik pavilion.


Freshly printed parts for the distribution device.




DFL Pavilion 2013: Photo records

January 9, 2014 in Uncategorized

above (c) Hayato Wakabayashi

above (c) Obuchi Lab, the University of Tokyo

We have added several photos of the DFL Pavilion 2013 both when completion and under assembly process.
Also please check the following link You can watch the short movie of a fabrication and assembly process of the pavilion.


本研究は、自由曲面のテンセグリティ構造を2次元からの立体化により安定化させる構法のケーススタディとして、2012年10月から2013年12月までに東京大学大学院建築学専攻小渕祐介研究室(以下、小渕研)、同佐藤淳研究室(以下、佐藤研)と株式会社大林組(以下、大林)との協働にて仮設パビリオンの設計、プロトタイプ製作を行い、その成果をまとめたものである。部材加工・制作にはAnS Studio・竹中司氏の協力を得た。
本研究のケーススタディにおいては、パビリオンの設計及び施工検討にあたって導入された諸情報技術によりもたらされる1.設計プロセス 2.施工方法 3.建築構造のそれぞれにおける革新性という観点から、本研究の成果と付随する問題点を検証し、その発展可能性を考察した。


Project: The University of Tokyo, Digital Fabrication Lab Pavilion 2013
Design Team:
The University of Tokyo teaching staff: Yusuke Obuchi, Toshikatsu Kiuchi, So Sugita, Hironori Yoshida
The University of Tokyo students
: Christopher Sjoberg, Yeonsang Shin, Miguel Puig, Zhang Ye, Ana Luisa Soares, Ma Sushuang, Tong Shan, Andrea Trajkovska, Quangtuan Ta, Wei Wang, Anders Rod, Benjamin Berwick, Qiaomu Jin, Fawad Osman, Yanli Xiong, Andrea Bagniewski, Kevin Clement, Ornchuma Saraya, Minjie Xu
Obayashi Corporation: Tomoo Yamamoto, Kenichi Misu, Gendai Ono, Yasuo Ichii, Keisuke Fujiwara, Shunsuke Niwa, Tatsuji Kimura, Masaru Emura, Taiki Byakuno, Takahide Okamoto
Structural engineer: Jun Sato
Fabrication of components: Tsukasa Takenaka (AnS Studio)
Construction: Multibuilder
Fabrication: Togari Kogyo
Structure: Freeform Surface Tensegrity Structure
Compressive components: stainless steel plates with 0.5 mm / 0.8 mm / 1.2 mm / 1.5 mm thickness
Tension cables: stainless steel cables in 3 mm diameter
Base ring: stainless steel pipe in 48mm diameter
Foundation: precast concrete blocks
Furniture: painted plywood
Weight: 1.5 t (upper structure in stainless steel), 1 t (concrete foundation)
Design Phase: October 2012 – March 2013
Design development, fabrication & construction: April – November 2013
Completion date: 24 November 2013

12/1シンポジウム 整理券の配布について

November 29, 2013 in Uncategorized


日時:12月1日(日) 12:00より
※ 両シンポジウムの整理券を同時刻より配布いたします。

展覧会関連シンポジウム:「Infinite Potentials of Making Problems」
日時: 12月1日(日) 13:00 – 15:00
場所: 東京大学工学部1号館15号教室
登壇者: 隈研吾(東京大学教授)、小渕祐介(東京大学准教授)、大林組プロジェクトチーム、
モデレーター: 山梨知彦(日建設計)

特別シンポジウム:「Architectural Theory Now:これからの建築理論」
主催:東京大学大学院建築学専攻 Advanced Design Studies
企画:東京大学大学院建築学専攻 Media Initiative Lab
日時: 12月1日(日) 17:00 – 19:30
場所: 東京大学工学部1号館15号教室(定員113名先着順、別室にて中継予定)
ゲスト: 槇文彦、磯崎新、原広司
モデレーター: 隈研吾(東京大学教授)

Event: Lecture by Michael Hansmeyer (4/23)

April 20, 2013 in Uncategorized

Lecture on April 23 18:30-20:00 at Lecture room 15, Michael Hansmeyer from ETH CAAD. It must be amazing lecture.


Event: Lecture by Francois Roche (4/17)

April 12, 2013 in Uncategorized

Francois Roche will lecture on Apr. 17th at the University of Tokyo.

François Roche is the principal of New-Territories (R&Sie(n) / [eIf/bʌt/c]). He is based in Bangkok for [eIf/bʌt/c], in Paris for R&Sie(n) and in NY with his studio of research at Graduate School of Architecture, Plannin and Preservation (GSAPP), Columbia University.
Through these different structures, his architectural works and protocols seek to articulate the real and/or fictional, the geographic situations and narrative structures that can transform them.


ロッシュ氏(New Territories主宰)はバンコク([eIf/bʌt/c])、パリ(R&Sie(n))、ニューヨークを拠点に活動している建築家で、2006年よりコロンビア大学のGraduate School of Architecture, Plannin and Preservation (GSAPP)にて客員教授としてアドバンスト・デザインスタジオを教えられています。地理的な状況、建築、社会の可能なシナリオの構築を行うことで、現実とフィクションの境界をぼかし、現実の空間に潜在的な変化を引き起こすような実験的建築プロジェクトを多数発表されています。

Digital Fabrication Blog renewal !!

October 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

Our Digital Fabrication Lab’s Blog is renewed!

We will be updating our current activities at DFL in this blog, so please check frequently and find out what is going on at DFL. We hope this blog will become a platform to exchange ideas and share our research on digital fabrication and computational design.

There are several changes at DFL this year. Please check the following posts for more information.




Summaries of 2011-2012

October 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

The year of 2011-2012 was a very exciting time for DFL and the G30 studio.  The G30 studio has expanded its scale to accept more students from all over the world, and they participated in many events connecting with various international schools and institutions.

Meanwhile, DFL was started to support computational design research at the University of Tokyo. We will continue developing an open environment for studying and researching computational design process for architecture. Please also check for following posts that features events and pavilions in 2011-2012!



New Members Join DFL

October 1, 2012 in Uncategorized

DFL was organized and is currently run by prof. Kengo Kuma, associate prof. Yusuke Obuchi, assistant prof. Ko Nakamura, and course assistant Toshikatsu Kiuchi. Beside these original members, So Sugita(course assistant), Yuta Ito(PhD student), Taichi Kuma(PhD student), and Olesia Bilobrodko(PhD student) joined DFL this year.

The students of the Global 30 studio are also working on their research that relates to DFL’s objectives and activities.

隈研吾教授、小渕祐介准教授、中村航助教、木内俊克コースアシスタントに加え、今年度より杉田宗コースアシスタントが加わり、ラボ在籍者として、伊藤雄太(PhD)、隈太一(PhD)、Olesia Bilobrodko(PhD)が加わりました。


Update about DFL

October 1, 2012 in Uncategorized

Digital Fabrication Lab (DFL) at the University of Tokyo is growing and extending its capabilities for more advanced design and fabrication. We have moved our office space to the 4th FL of Engineering Bldg. 1, and the 3rd FL space became an exclusive workshop space for making models and building mock-ups. Meanwhile, a 3D printer has been added to our facility, which has brought our lab to next the level. We can now print our 3D models directly from this machine.  Students are experimenting with their ideas and designs using cutting edge technologies at DFL. This website will be a good place to get current information on DFL activities, and you will be able to see how the students develop their projects.
