New Members Join DFL

October 1, 2012 in Uncategorized

DFL was organized and is currently run by prof. Kengo Kuma, associate prof. Yusuke Obuchi, assistant prof. Ko Nakamura, and course assistant Toshikatsu Kiuchi. Beside these original members, So Sugita(course assistant), Yuta Ito(PhD student), Taichi Kuma(PhD student), and Olesia Bilobrodko(PhD student) joined DFL this year.

The students of the Global 30 studio are also working on their research that relates to DFL’s objectives and activities.

隈研吾教授、小渕祐介准教授、中村航助教、木内俊克コースアシスタントに加え、今年度より杉田宗コースアシスタントが加わり、ラボ在籍者として、伊藤雄太(PhD)、隈太一(PhD)、Olesia Bilobrodko(PhD)が加わりました。
