Pavilion 2014: Construction Simulation

July 3, 2014 in Pavilion

Finished Model: 1.3m tall, 1.2m diameter

The construction material for the pavilion has changed from chopsticks to sticks of Japanese Cedar. This wood is very common in Japan. However, the Cedar trees have a 50 year lifespan, at the end of which, they must be harvested. However, much cedar is going to waste, since timber is cheaper to import. Our initiative is to utilize the scraps of leftover cedar in an attempt to reduce ecological waste within the local environment.

Distribution Device

In order to control the aggregation of sticks, we have developed a handheld device that will coat each stick in adhesive, before dispersing it. The device is powered by a motor, which will eventually be linked to the feedback scanning system.

Scanning-projector System

Integration with projector and scanning system allows us to detect the placement of sticks. As the model is being built, the scanning system will continuously feedback to the projector display.